Books & Publications


More (1 John)

John’s first epistle is all about more—more intimate fellowship, more inexpressible joy, and more inescapable assurance. As a silent and subtle enemy, mediocrity should scare us. John’s three-fold focus—faith, obedience, and love—is not only an excellent way for us to express our love for God, but it sets a firm foundation for secure assurance and resolute confidence in our eternal salvation.

Other Books & Publications


In Christ (Ephesians 1-3)

What does it mean to be “in Christ”? Biblical salvation results in believers being “in Christ” — truly a joy unspeakable. Biblical sanctification results in believers becoming “like Christ” — a progressive journey that will not end until we stand before the presence of the very One we seek to imitate — our Lord Jesus Christ. In this study of Ephesians 1-3, we will focus on our life “in Christ.” In very visual and practical ways, Paul walks us through a number of questions about our Christian lives.


Like Christ (Ephesians 4-6)

Paul ends his epistle to the Ephesians the same way he started it. He emphasizes the peace of God, the love of God, and the grace of God. We are recipients of these wonderful gifts simply because God loves us and wants the best for our lives.  After seeing the blessings that we have “in Christ,” we express our love to our Lord by striving to become more “like Christ” each day. The journey to be “like Christ” is motivated by the joy of being “in Christ.”



Lion-like leaders are not extinct, but they are on the endangered species list. The importance of character, integrity, and spiritual courage cannot be overestimated. How did Daniel do it? From age 15 to age 85 he refused to be blended into the world in which he was forced to live — threatened by proud Nebuchadnezzar, mocked by wicked Belshazzar, and sentenced to death in a lions’ den by King Darius. Through all of this he never lost his integrity.



This study allows us the chance to dig into this incredible leader’s life. Grow with Joseph as he learned to survive rejection, misunderstanding, and hurt by keeping his focus on God. One study centers on Joseph as a type of Christ. We can learn by the example of Joseph’s godly traits how to endure in the apathetic, uncaring, and compromising world in which we live.

Jonah’s Magnificent God

The book of Jonah is more than a story of a wayward prophet and a wicked city; it is about a holy God who is magnificent in His presence, His power, His patience, and His passionate love. The same God that protected Jonah, forgave Nineveh, controlled the storm, and prepared the sea monster wants to protect, forgive and control our lives today.


A Right Side Up Attitude in an Upside Down World (Sermon on the Mount)

The kingdom attitude is a dependent attitude that recognizes its own inadequacies, a genuine attitude that rejects sin in its early stages. It is the “attitude” that will permeate the Kingdom of God forever.


There4 (Romans 12)

When Paul wrote the word “therefore” in Romans 12:1, he was not just giving a general glimpse of the 315 verses of chapters 1-11, but he was specifically explaining man’s complete ruin in sin (Romans 1-3) and God’s perfect remedy in Christ (Romans 4-11). Knowing what we were and what we are because of what God has done should impact the way we live each day.



Why does laughter often leave when the teenage years come? If any person deserved to be sad (or even mad), it was Paul. He was beaten and left for dead, thrown in prison, shipwrecked, snake-bitten, and soldier-whipped. But he kept rejoicing in the Lord. How? Paul gave the young Philippian believers four life-changing, joy-producing principles that kept joy in his heart and a smile on his face.


2 Timothy

In Paul’s final letter before being beheaded and freed from his earthly prison to his eternal home, he pleads with young Timothy to continue running the difficult spiritual marathon that he had started. Paul was concerned that the next generation of leaders after him would lack the character needed to face the constant animosity and opposition towards the gospel message.



We can make a difference by being different. This study gives us the opportunity to see how unselfish living is an incredible evangelistic tool. In this letter the apostle Paul gives advice to Titus on the difficulties he has observed — similar to many of the problems we face today. This study uncovers several areas we need to be aware of as we attempt to be a living example of the Christ we share.


New Testament Postcards

The books of Philemon, 2 John, 3 John, and Jude are small enough to fit on one page of parchment. Paul’s short note to Philemon teaches about truth, love, and forgiveness. John will encourage you in his two epistles to be consistent in truth, love, and obedience while continuing to be balanced through truth, love, and discernment. Jude will help you to understand how to deal with error through truth and love.



The book of James is often called the “Proverbs of the New Testament” because it is packed full of life-changing principles. This Bible study helps new believers develop and existing believers evaluate their Christian character. Saying “no” to temptation, reviewing our friendship practices, and learning how to pray are some of the areas of practical application studied.


1 Peter

In the journey of the Christian life, you will face ridicule and suffering, just as the Christians in Peter’s day did. Peter’s admonition – a right focus makes all the difference in your response – holds just as true today. This study will take you through your relationship with God, your testimony, and the seriousness of Christlike living in the face of Satan’s constant attacks. Take your time and enjoy digging into I Peter. Remember that difficulties and sufferings of this life are not for long. Eternity is just around the corner.


2 Peter

Peter desired to encourage the scattered, first-century believers to live authentic, Christian lives to counteract the counterfeits and phonies who were creeping into the church. Authentic Christians eagerly anticipate the Lord’s soon return by growing in grace, increasing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and adding Christlike characteristics to their lives. Counterfeits can fool most people, and even themselves, but they can never fool God. God sees the heart and will someday separate the counterfeit from the authentic with those dreadful words, “Depart from me, I never knew you.”


What Does God Say About My Sin?

In this Bible study, Rand uses God’s Word to remind kids of the harmful effects of sins like anger, apathy, disobedience, hatred, laziness, immaturity, selfishness, and stubbornness. What we learn about God and what He says about our sin will make a lasting impression on the way we live. God wants us to grow in His grace which not only brings us salvation, but teaches us to deny the sins that seek to destroy our lives. Recommended for 5th-8th graders.


God is…

Consistency in God’s Word at an early age will develop habits through the teen years that will help young people love God more and hate sin more. The prophet Jeremiah reminds us in his ninth chapter that we have nothing to boast or brag about in life but to know God. This six-week Bible study will help those in 5th through 8th grade get to know God better.


5 Smooth Stones

There is a direct correlation between successfully obeying God’s Word and the memorization of and meditations on God’s Word. Consistent victory over the spiritual giants in your life will be strengthened only by the consistent attention you give to the Word of God. This study will help you be determined to not sin against God and through meditation, learn to ‘do according to all that is written therein.


In Their Sandals

This unique Bible study by Rand Hummel and Jim Lord will give you a whole new perspective on familiar Bible stories and give you new insight into the power and providence of God.


God & I Time Treasures Volume 1

God & I Time Treasures is a one-year daily devotional guide. Easy directions and examples are given at the beginning, and Scripture references are included in each day’s assignment. This volume covers 12 books of the Bible as well as the Psalms. During your daily God & I Time, you will read a Bible passage and either “dig” into a “treasure” section or fill out a section of your “personal biography of God.”


God & I Time Treasures Volume 2

God & I Time Treasures is a one-year daily devotional guide. Easy directions and examples are given at the beginning, and Scripture references are included in each day’s assignment. This volume covers 12 books of the Bible as well as the Psalms. During your daily God & I Time, you will read a Bible passage and either “dig” into a “treasure” section or write a personal thank you note to God that reflects a truth from the Psalms.


God & I Time Treasures Volume 3

God & I Time Treasures is a one year daily devotional guide. Easy directions and examples are given at the beginning, and Scripture references are included in each day’s assignment. This volume covers principles from Proverbs. During your daily God & I Time, you will read a Bible passage and either “dig” into a “treasure” section or write down what principles you learned about in the Proverbs passage.


The Daniel Dilemma

This book is a Christian teenager’s guide for surviving the lions in a world that rejects God and expects them to reject Him, too. In this study, Rand uses his more than 20 years of Christian camp experience to formulate 14 Laws of Courageous Leadership from the book of Daniel and apply them to the real-life situations young people face today.


Gratefully Yours

The book of Romans gives you the secret to a contented life. Romans 1-3 will shake you up and show you how wicked and miserable we humans really are. Chapters 4-11 are all about God’s deep love, His incredible grace, and the deliverance He offers. Romans 12, lists 24 ways that we can show our gratitude to Him for rescuing us.


Stress Less Trust More

This book digs up the roots of stress–sin, time, relationships, security, and spiritual maturity–and offers meditations for overcoming stress and anxiety that lead us to peace. This is the fourth and newest addition to Rand’s Meditation Series.


Lest You Fall

This book defines the enemy—its subtleties, disguises, and methods—and offers strategic help for battling with lust through step-by-step instructions and Scripture meditations. This is the first book of Rand’s Meditation Series.


Turn Away Wrath

Rand reveals the sources, excuses, and consequences of anger, and he provides strategic help for banishing anger through step-by-step instructions and Scripture meditation. This is the second book of Rand’s Meditation Series.


Fear Not

This book uncloaks the enemy—its causes, pretenses, and results—and offers strategic help for conquering fear through step-by-step instructions and scripture meditation. This is the third book of Rand’s Meditation Series.


Dark Side of the Internet

Like any other tool, the Internet has many good uses. Unfortunately, there is also potential for great harm. Rand brings a very sobering message about the ‘dark side’ of the Internet and the dangers that lurk there for the unwary Christian. This must-have for parents and youth leaders is available in several different formats!